Inspired by Fujiwara-no Yoshitaka's Haiku poems, Inochi Sae is a bag designed to capture the life of the story between two young siblings.
Sung, the little hand-painted girl with bull horns is portrayed with a star and a moon stitched on her face, symbolizing the presence of her lost brother, remaining closure. Her image juxtaposes with the use of the different materials and textures surrounding her in the bag, providing a sense of playground delicacy, a safe space for Sung to coexist in her own world.
Using recycled floor mats, pillow cases, scarves, and Shemag fabric, Inochi Sae is made out of 100% recycled materials.
Before I came to know you, love,
Little my life was worth to me.
I prize it now all things above,
And wish long in this world to be.
-Fujiwara-no Yoshitaka